BookTubeAThon Diary: Day Three (26/07/17)


General thoughts: Considering that I thought I wasn’t going to have much time to read today, things have gone surprisingly well. I didn’t finish In Darkness by Nick Lake, which I began yesterday, but I did start and finish reading The Golden Rules of Blogging (& When to Break Them) by Robin Houghton. This book virtually does what you’d expect from the title; it takes twenty-eight rules that the author considers to be ‘golden rules’ of blogging and considers how important they actually are, with opinions from industry experts and contributions from bloggers.

I picked up this book on impulse after seeing it laying around at the library as I thought it might be interesting to combine my love of blogging and of books by reading a book about blogging! While I loved the visual design of this book and did learn some useful things from it, I found that I just could not get past how corporate and often hypocritical it was. On one page the author would tell you that you should never be anonymous on your blog, whereas on the next she’d say that you shouldn’t blog about yourself. It got confusing. Plus, the constant message that statistics and numbers are everything felt far more aimed at the business person, rather than the average blogger who does it for the love of it. Despite this, I’m definitely pleased with how day three went as a whole!

Pages read today: 128

Total pages read so far: 635

Challenges completed today: 0

Total challenges completed so far: 2/7

Total books read so far: 2/7

Let me know how the third day went for you if you’re taking part in the BookTubeAThon! Are you on track to complete the challenges? Have you found any new favourites from what you’ve read so far? Let’s talk books!

– Bex

3 thoughts on “BookTubeAThon Diary: Day Three (26/07/17)

  1. Great progress so far! I think I only finished 50 pages yesterday. I didn’t count. Then I’m taking off camping for two days which means no reading! Wahhhhh 😢😭 good luck for the rest of the readathon!

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    1. 50 pages is still a good number of pages! Ahh that’s a shame (but I think going camping will be worth it!), I’ve got more plans this second half of the week than the first so my reading is going to slow down as well I think. I’m hoping I’ll maybe be able to finish four or five books in total and I’d definitely be happy with that though! Thank you for the comments by the way, it makes the readathon so much more fun when you cheer eachother on!

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